Manifesting moon magic 101: The February 15 Black Moon, lunar eclipse and how to manifest your best life like a total rockstar

People often ask me for guidance into the ways of the woo, and so today, for my first foray into the "offering space", I give you: New Moon Manifesting.   It’s my personal favourite, I'm not going to lie I manifest like a total champion, and I am really excited to give you a little piece of the moon pie for yourselves.  Let’s get going.

New moons when there is no moon visible in the night sky, and as if  taking the cue of the visual reminder, it’s a time in the lunar cycle when we are called to be more introspective, taking a look around inside ourselves, seeing what’s really there, and for cultivating our inner world.  Playing out our most subconscious needs and wants within, and planting the seeds for the life we have always craved for ourselves.  Tending to the garden of our deepest dreams and desires as it were.

All sounds a bit complicated?  A bit woo woo witchy weirdo? Not at ALL, it’s insanely simple and as old as time, read on below and find out how to use the magic of the moon to create a life you have only ever dreamed of.  Seriously, you can thank me later.

People often ask me how I live the life I do.  Traveling the world, exploring all life has to offer, chasing my spiritual tail across some of the greatest places on the planet.  Well, at the risk of sounding absolutely crackers, I am going to come out of the spiritual closet and just say it: MANIFESTING BY THE MOON.  It’s truly one of biggest go to tricks for living the best life humanly possible for me.   Laugh it up, but that is 100% true.

Come on, you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t even a little bit curious….and what if I am right?  What if what you have been waiting for, all along, to finally take the next step in your amazing life was a bit of a spiritual shove?  Well look no further.

If nothing else, letting a little moon magic into your life is a small acknowledgement, a teeny tiny thank you to the Universe for the human experience you are currently having.  Now, if that human experience is not especially exciting right now, that’s okay, it’s also a chance to give it a little boost.  Put it on blast as the cool kids say.  Conversely, if you are absolutely cruising and life is amazing, congrats, but what would happen if you kicked it up a notch even further?  Nothing to lose I say.

Personally, I see these moments you set aside for saying thanks or celebrating your life as essentially little love letters from you to yourself, Spirit, Mother Earth, the Universe, whatever word or concept you ascribe to this concept.   Not only that, give them your whole hearted attention and intention, and they can make a whopping big difference to the way you navigate in the world and how the world responds to you.  Got your attention now? Okay, enough chit chat, let’s go.

Here’s the 60 second low down on new moon magic.  As I said above, they are times of introspection and looking within and where many people report being more insular and withdrawn.  I feel this way on new moons often, only now I have learned to love it and really revel in it.   This time of the month for me means books, baths and being alone.  Heaven.  

During this time of going inside ourselves, we are invited to give priority to what we want for ourselves, to sew the seeds of what we most desire at the moment, to dream big and envision all the things that would make our life extraordinary.  Pretty cool huh?

But this month is super-duper-wuper special.  It’s a BLACK MOON lunar eclipse. Woooooo…witchy, dark, mysterious.  Actually, to be honest, even though that sounds scary, that is sort of a little bit correct.   You see a Black Moon, speaking factually, is a new moon that occurs in a month without any full moon.  They are rare, the last one was in 1999, and ther next one is 2038, so if you miss this opportunity to get your moon magic on, you miiiiiiight be waiting a while to catch the next one. #justsaying. 

Black Moons are also said to be very powerful for the purpose of manifesting, I look at them as lunar rocket launchers for your dreams, and they also excellent also for power cleansing your life of things you no longer need.  

So what does it mean for you?  You see energetically speaking (not astrologically that’s a whole different kettle of fish), this Black Moon specifically, and all her amplified power, is totally about your shadow.   You know, your shady self.   Put simply; all the things that stop you from being unconditional love.  Not being-IN love, be-ING love.   Just to put this in perspective, if you were totally unconditional love, 24/7, 365 days a year, you’d be the Dalai Lama, Buddha or at least bona fide enlightened.  So, yeah, if even having a little slice of that sounds good, let’s aim for that. 

I talk a lot about my shadow, but for those that don’t know what this really is, essentially “shadow” is just the parts of yourself that you don’t necessarily like, trust or value.   The things your ego would rather DIE than have others see.  Guilt, shame, you know, the BIG ticket items.  Whether these things arose to protect you from trauma or fear it’s not really important here, we ALL have shadow, and sometimes we need it.   We don’t like it, but it’s important part of who we are.  The problem is, we often have trouble shaking shadow loose, seeing it for what it really is, or finding it a home within us, in a healthy way.    Oof.  Heavy stuff. 

Yet, not!  This like is the unfolding and unpacking of your dirty laundry before you ship it off to the laundry for cleaning.   All you have to do it unpack it, and look at it.  Nothing more, just observe.  See?  That’s not that hard is it?  In fact it’s actually an amazing time for you to change your perspective, release your fears around all the things you think are unworthy or ugly inside, be okay with all that you are, accept both yourself and others, and let go of things you no longer need with grace, and to integrate the shadow that is actually helpful into yourself as a whole.   Wow.  What?  Seriously?  Sign me up for that please! I AM IN.

So, enter the night of the Black Moon.   A solution to all our shadowy problems if you are willing to give it a go!   There is so much to be gained, and nothing, absolutely nothing to lose.    All the usual new moon magic is put on BLAST on 15 February 2018.  The exact time for your area can be found on “The Google”.  However, if you do the below routine, for the days before the Black Moon and (preferably) the night of the Black Moon itself, you are setting yourself on a path with destiny.  YEEEEEEEEEEEEES!

I am going to share my own routine for new moon generally below, adding in some extra bonus bits for the Black Moon, so that if you want, you play along with me, and give all this woo-business a go.    I am no expert, and there is so much more to lunar love if you want to learn, but to begin with, here’s what I have cobbled together from all the incredibly people who have taught me over the years (acknowledgements and resources below).

Miss Cook’s Black Moon Magical Manifestation

Step 1 – Dream a little dream of you…

In the days prior to the new moon, start turning your mind to the things in an ideal world, were you to have no objects in your way (money, emotional, physical), that would make up your dream existence.    Allow yourself to dream all these things as vividly as possible.  Go high, wide and handsome.  There is no dream too big right now.   Do NOT limit yourself.   This is the Black Moon, and you have some serious astral pulling power.  Have at it.  

Take your time in the days leading up to the Black Moon to really dream, really imagine, really visualize your desires.  If nothing else it’s a beautiful process to flush out what you truly want for your life.   Get crystal clear about what you want, be razor sharp with your desires, in all aspects of your life. 


First timers’ example: if you want a partner to love, see that person in your mind.  Allow them to take shape in your heart and soul as well.  Feel what it would feel like being with that person.  See things that you want to do with that person.  Let this dream take on incredible colour, texture and feeling.   See it in every detail; get hellishly specific.   Spare nothing, no matter how minute.   The greater the imaginative power you put behind it, the more likely you are to get exactly what you want.

Side note:  if your dreams are mainly materialistic, don’t judge yourself.  Often people shame themselves for wanting “stuff”.  There is NOTHING wrong with that at all.   The only thing I would say if everything you wish for is material, maybe just gently ask yourself why.  Just an inquiry, but if it’s part of a package of material and non-material; GO FOR IT! Whoop!

Most Importantly: in the words of the inimitable Missy Elliot: YOU.CAN.DO.IT.PUT.YOUR.BACK.INTO.IT

 Step 2 – Write that sh*t down

 This is obvious, but a really important part of the process.   I love love love this bit, it’s almost as good as the dreaming stage (not quite, but almost).

Again, as with your dreaming, be specific, write down everything you see, capture all the luscious detail.   Take as much space as you need to, and do it until you are really and truly done.   If you really want something, start your sentences with "I am..."  This is a total step up from "I wish" and it says to the Universe, "I know I already have this thing/person/experience, I trust, and believe it's already in my future". 

As a guide for how specific you should get, I usually end up with multiple pages.  Yes, I am 100% verbose, BUT I also really try to wring out all the goodness of my dreams that I can into my cup of manifestation.  Now, hang on to this list, I have plans for this later. 

I can't stress enough, be specific, be clear and be concise. 

Black Moon special tip:  in the usual course of moon business, new moons are for manifesting and dreaming and full moons are for release.  HOWEVER, in this case, given this Black Moon is all about your shadow, if you feel when creating your ultimate fantasy dream life, that there are things standing in your way, write them down as they arise.  Putting them to paper allows you to fully release them in accordance with Steps 4 & 5.    This is a one time only deal for this moon as it offers supportive energy to do this. 

 Step 3 -  Meditate and embody that Moon Magic

This is the easiest, and hardest, bit.    Sit your ass down, and meditate to bring the dreams and the list to life.   If you are not a meditator, that's not a problem, because this is more visulaing, than empty-mind meditation.  It's like plopping down in front of a VR machine and the program literally being written based on your wildest dreams.  You can tell I am not a gamer can't you?  

I have a meditation cushion I park my butt on (every day), and I sit and bring to life everything on that list.    One by one, then all together, I just let my mind have at it as it wants to.  Think of this as the booster for you’re your dreams, hopes and wishes.  This is the bit of where you bring them into existence.   Give it all you got: by that I mean all your attention, all your feeling, your whole heart and most enthusiastic soul song.  See yourself as the best most incredible happy fulfilled hottest self you can imagine – don’t feel silly – the best bit about this is, no one else can see unless you share it.  So go for it. Why hold back?

At this juncture, if you want to say them out loud, go for it.  I don’t personally do this unless I really feel to,   but I just might this month honestly, but many of my friends do it and love the extra energy push they feel it gives to speak them into life.   Shout it if you want to! YAHOO!

Step 4 - ….aaaannd let go…

This is actually a step I never did personally until I read an amazing book by an extraordinary Moon Expert by the name of Yasmin Boland, called Moonology (more on this below including links and more detail).    Upon doing it though for over a year now, I realise how important it is.  LETTING GO.  If you grip onto your wishes and grab with a death grip, you will both literally, and metaphorically, choke the manifestation chicken.  DO NOT choke the chicken; set the chicken free, and watch it lay those magical eggs.  The chicken can't lay if you're choking it.  What an analogy! BEGURK!

There is an Amazon affiliate link also if you wish to buy your own copy J (and help a struggling blogger out).   I highly recommend this book as an incredible first step.

Practically speaking, Yasmin recommends to speak a mantra or a phrase that indicates that you trust the universe to have both heard your dreams and your wishes, and more importantly, that you unconditionally release your attachment to your wishes and trust the Universe/God/Spirit/Keanu Reeves (why not?) will provide.

She suggests “For the good of all or not at all”, or this beautiful mantra “Om Namo Narayani” which means “I surrender to the divine mother”. 

The key here is surrender, having no attachment to the outcome, just trusting that you will receive what you have asked for, or more, even if it doesn’t come in exactly the form you asked for.  Trust that what you receive is exactly what you need.   Ah. Happy sigh.

Step 5 – Burn Baby Burn

Lastly, SET THAT LIST ON FIRE.  You heard me, burn that baby!!!!!!   Further to the spoken release, I was given this little gem of an idea by a Russian friend of mine many years ago.  She used to make us write lists on New Years Eve, burn them, allowing the ashes to fall into our champagne and then drink them.  Interesting, and invigorating, if not slightly gritty tasting.   But it stuck. 

It sort of adds to Step 4 above, because by burning the list you release all its contents back into the Universe.  For me, this is really important.  For me, it says “I trust that I will get absolutely what I have asked for, or exactly what I need”.  I truly believe it.   And so…I have no trouble walking away and letting the ashes be picked up by the wind and blown into the world.  I kind of like the poetry of it.

Side note: if you are planning this for inside, please burn it into a (non-plastic) bowl or safe container. DO NOT burn the house down.  Unless you asked for a new house ;-) #justkidding

So, there it is!!!  Welcome to the world of the woo, may all the magic of the Black Moon shine down on you from all the way up there.  


Miss Cook xoxo

**Resources & Amazing Humans that have helped me with my own moon manifesting magic**

Now, this is the bit where I have to give credit where credit is due, and also given I am just an amateur, a place where you can get more help or information if you need it. 

I wouldn’t know one-hundredth of what I know without some incredible men and women who led me into the moon magic.   

There are some amazing resources when it comes to reading up about new moon manifesting, the meaning of the various moons, and if you have a desire in extending your interest into working with the moon (and astrology) these are a great place to start.   Among my favourites (links at the end of the article) are:

1.     Marc Laurenson – Personal Astrologer to yours truly J

Marc is remarkable, gentle, caring and a gifted astrologer.  He is also a  founder and teacher at the Sydney Astrology School.   He does Skype sessions, as well as in person in Sydney if you are in town; he is in hot demand and can take a while to slip on into BUT he is worth every second of delay – don’t despair.  

I should say here, for all the cynics out there, this is purely an altruistic plug for a person who has provided me with many years of loving advice and wisdom (unless he becomes like Oprah and then I want in ;-)). Marc’s just awesome, and in fact, if anything, this recommendation is MY gift to YOU should you feel called to receive it.

Marc is my own personal go-to when I have something pressing I need guidance on, or if I am undertaking a particularly big project, personal endeavour or for my “annual check up”.  Believe me, I have had MANY astrologers over the years, and no one comes close to him.  So, enough said.

2.     Moonology by Yasmin Boland (also a fellow Australian):

Yasmin and her amazing book (and website) Moonology (affiliate link below to Amazon), taught me all the fundamentals about moon magic and how to manifest like a champion.   Before I was okay, but with her instructions, I got to be AWESOME. 

It’s instructive and interesting and is a fantastic starting point for anyone interested in becoming a Moonie also (I have a sneaking suspicion that they Moonies were also a cult of some sort…never mind…you know what I mean).

The New Moon Wishing Sheet is a fabulous first timers how-to guide to new moon manifesting, giving you step by step instructions on her suggestion for harnessing the mysrterious magic of the new moon.

3.     Mystic Mamma

Me and all my pals in the spiritual space WORSHIP this website.  There is so much wisdom collected and pooling in this space, whether its astrological insights, truth-telling or just solidarity, we constantly shuffling off MM articles to one another as if they are love letters written in our own hand. 

Just…go and see for yourself.  But DO sign up for the moon newsletters.  Delicious. 









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Angela Cook